


Labor Day is over and the first few fall leaves are falling...already!

I'm couting the days before I have to start wearing tights so I seize every opportunity wear skirts with nude legs a few times before it's too late. After all, those days won't happen again before April or even May... Eeek!

I already put away my summer dresses and started to wear more neutrals to welcome fall. Circle skirts are big this fall and brocade is back again, so I particularly enjoy wearing my boutique Onze skirt (looks good with an end-of-summer tan! I swear my legs are tanned. At least a little bit).

 This cute kitty even kept us company during the photoshoot! 
Skirt Boutique Onze, Sweater Boutique Onze. This Montreal-based boutique has tons of original and cute dresses and you can shop online! You should check out their website! They are one of my favorite Montreal stores :)

P.S. Sorry for not posting for a while, I was on a weekend trip and did not have my computer. Come back this week for new posts!

1 comment:

  1. love the circle skirt and lipstick red pumps ! : )

    hope you enjoyed Boston...4 days and counting before we leave our Happy Isle .... : ( I have missed the pups though !!!

    We have gathered some good info for May ; )


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